Operating Systems

Course information

  • Instructor: Yang Tang.
  • Semester: Fall 2022.
  • Outline: High-level design of key operating system concepts using Linux as an example; Process scheduling, process synchronization; Deadlocks and their prevention; I/O, file systems; Memory management, paging, segmentation; Security and protection.
  • Programming Language: C.


Overall grade: A (4.00/4.00)

Item Grade Letter
Assignments 10/10 A
Labs 48.5/50 A
Midterm 89.5/101 A
Final 82/100 A


Lab 2: nyush

Shell-nyush, a.k.a. New Yet Usable Shell, is an implementation of a simple version of the Linux shell. It is an interactive command-line program, involving process creation, destruction, and management, signal handling, and I/O redirection. Basic functionality include:

These are some example usages of nyush.

You may access the source code here, and note that you should run it in a Linux environment.

Lab 3: nyuenc

Encoder-nyuenc, a.k.a. Not Your Usual Encoder, is an implementation of a parallelized run-length encoding (RLE). Multiple threads are created to encode in parallel, leading to better performance. In order to avoid frequent creation and destruction of threads, a thread pool is implemented to maintain a certain number of threads, specified by a flag. POSIX threads is used in this lab, and mutual exclusions and conditional variables are used for elimination of race conditions. Basic functionality include:

Some benchmarking statistics are shown as follows:

Size (MB) Threads Time (s)
100 1 2.982
100 3 1.026
1000 3 5.206

You may access the source code here, and note that you should run it in a Linux environment.

Lab 4: nyufile

FileRecovery-nyufile, a.k.a, Need You to Undelete My File, is a program for recovering deleted files in a FAT32 file system. Its usage is as follows:

Usage: ./nyufile disk <options>
    -i                          Print the file system information.
    -l                          List the root directory.
    -r filename [-s sha1]       Recover a contiguous file.
    -R filename -s sha1         Recover a possibly non-contiguous file.

Basic functionality include:

You may access the source code here, and note that you should run it in a Linux environment.