
Top #66 Contributor

This is the collection of my open source contributions to pandas, a powerful data analysis toolkit in Python. It has its code base maintained on GitHub, with nearly 3000 contributors.

I have contributed 29 merged pull requests to pandas, and I am currently its Top #66 contributor.Note that throughout this post, when saying a bug existed in pandas a.b.c, it does not take into consideration backporting. For instance, "a bug existed in pandas 2.1.3" and "fixed in pandas 2.1.4" only implies that the bug was fixed after the release of pandas 2.1.3, but does not gurantee that one would see the bug with pandas 2.1.3 now since the fix for pandas 2.1.4 may be backported to all 2.1.x.

Code Contributions

Items in each section are sorted in reverse chronological order by the time of merge.


BUG: groupby sum turning inf+inf and (-inf)+(-inf) into nan #53623
FIX groupby with column selection not returning tuple when grouping by list of a single element #53517
BUG DataFrameGroupBy.agg with list not respecting as_index=False #53237
BUG: GroupBy.quantile implicitly sorts index.levels #53049


BUG: complex Series/DataFrame display all complex nans as nan+0j #53844
BUG: bad display for complex series with nan #53764
BUG: MultiIndex displays incorrectly with a long element #53044

Missing Data

BUG: interpolate with fillna methods fail to fill across multiblocks #53962


BUG: series with complex nan #53682
FIX RangeIndex rsub by constant #53288


BUG: resampling empty series loses time zone from dtype #53736


BUG: pd.concat dataframes with different datetime64 resolutions #53641
BUG Merge not behaving correctly when having MultiIndex with a single level #53215
ENH include the first incompatible key in error message when merging #51947


BUG: avoid DeprecationWarning when the Series has index as list of Series #55395

Maintenance Contributions

Items are sorted in reverse chronological order by the time of merge.

BUG fix deprecation of limit and fill_method in pct_change #55527
CI: add empty line in no-bool-in-generic to avoid black complaining #54855
API: add NaTType and NAType to pandas.api.typing #53958
CI: linting check to ensure lib.NoDefault is only used for typing #53901
CLN: use lib.no_default instead of lib.NoDefault in .pivot #53877
DEPR fill_method and limit keywords in pct_change #53520
DEPR Rename keyword "quantile" to "q" in Rolling.quantile #53216
FIX typo in deprecation message of deprecate_kwarg decorator #53218

Documentation Contributions

Items are sorted in reverse chronological order by the time of merge.

DOC: EX01 (part of ExtensionArray) #53957
DOC: EX01 ({Categorical, Interval, Multi, Datetime, Timedelta}-Index) #53925
DOC: EX01 (Index and RangeIndex) #53920
DOC: fix asv test results link in contributors doc #53902