Yao Xiao

Senior @ NYU Shanghai

CV (English)
CV (中文)

My name is 萧尧 (xiāo yáo). I am a Senior majoring in Honors Mathematics and Computer Science.

I was born in Shanghai and currently at NYU Shanghai (2020-) for undergraduate studies. During the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters, I studied away in New York at NYU Courant.

My research interest is mainly in networks and systems design. I am also actively involved in open source software development, currently being a core developer of scikit-learn. More details regarding my research projects and open source contributions can be found under the projects page. If you want to contact me, you may reach me at yx2436@nyu.edu.


Sep 26, 2023 DISC-LawLLM was made open source.

Selected Publications

  1. arXiv
    DISC-LawLLM: Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Intelligent Legal Services
    Shengbin Yue, Wei Chen, Siyuan Wang, and 8 more authors
  2. arXiv
    Efficiently Visualizing Large Graphs
    Xinyu Li, Yao Xiao, and Yuchen Zhou